A personal blog about everything that interests me, so mostly programming in general and game programming in particular.

Word & Co have too many disadvantages

An appeal to also give other programs than Word a chance

Tobias Wink

4-Minute Read


I would like to dedicate this post to my little sister and all the others who think they have to write term papers, theses etc. with Word and are not able to integrate page numbers, tables of contents or other necessities. The bottom line is that such papers are really just about creating a PDF with the desired content to either submit digitally or print out.

The Phoenix Project

A brief book review of 'The Phoenix Project'

Tobias Wink

3-Minute Read

The Phoenix Project - Bookcover

I never thought I would actually read a book that is both a technical book and a novel, that would really excite me enough to want to write a review about it. But this hardly imaginable situation has now occurred. First of all, I would like to state that I was not promised any benefits for this post and that I purchased the book quite regularly in a store. It is the book The Phoenix Project - A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, and George Spafford.

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I'm just a simple person who is somewhat involved with computers. 😉